Year: 2019

Should I Use Spring REST Docs or OpenAPI? Recently, I was asked which is better to use. Spring REST Docs or OpenAPI. From the perspective of generating documentation for your APIs, you may think these two options are effectively the same thing. But, it’s not exactly an apples to apples comparison. These are significantly different […]Continue reading

Project Lombok is a Java library tool that generates code for minimizing boilerplate code. The library replaces boilerplate code with easy-to-use annotations. For example, by adding a couple of annotations, you can get rid of code clutters, such as getters and setters methods, constructors, hashcode, equals, and toString methods, and so on. This is Part […]Continue reading

Introduction In this post, we are going to write about Project Lombok, a must-have tool for every Spring programmer. Lombok is a Java library, that enhances programmer productivity, by providing several helpful annotations. It makes classes shorter and frees programmers from writing much boilerplate code. After reading this tutorial, we will be able to setup […]Continue reading

The Spring IoC (Inversion of Control) container manages Spring beans. A “Spring bean” is just a Spring managed instantiation of a Java class. The Spring IoC container is responsible for instantiating, initializing, and wiring beans. The container also manages the life cycle of beans. Spring provides several ways through which you can tap into the […]Continue reading

Enterprise Spring applications typically need to run in multiple environments. For example, development, testing, staging, and production. Each such environment has its own set of settings. For example, you might be using an embedded H2 database for development but an enterprise-grade Oracle or MySQL database for production. So the data source and connection configurations for […]Continue reading

Using inheritance can be a valuable time saver for your Spring Framework configurations. In Spring, a bean definition is the configuration information that we provide for beans. For example, bean definition can include property values and constructor arguments of the bean. Bean definition can also include container-specific information, such as init and destroy method settings, […]Continue reading

In this post, I’ll explain how to work with Autowiring In Spring First, we’ll begin with a brief introduction about Autowiring. Then, we’ll look at the different modes of Autowiring using XML configuration. Finally, we’ll look at @Autowired annotation with its different modes. Introduction Spring provides a way to automatically detect the relationships between various […]Continue reading

As of writing this post, Spring Boot 2.2 was released on October 16th, 2019. This new release is built on Spring Framework 5.2. The Spring Boot 2.2 has a number of great features, which we’ll explore in this post. Spring Framework and Java Spring Framework 5.2 Spring Boot 2.2 uses Spring Framework 5.2. A crucial […]Continue reading

1. Introduction In today’s blog post we will look at how we can use the caching provider Ehcache in Spring Boot. Ehcache is an open source library implemented in Java for implementing caches in Java programs, especially local and distributed caches in main memory or on the hard disk. Thanks to the implementation of JSR-107, […]Continue reading