Month: July 2020

Introduction Situation Most of our applications are supported by external services such as a database server, an SMS gateway, or services such as PayPal. Such services can exist in more than one environment i.e development and production environments. If we want to connect to the production environment we must pass through the development environment first. […]Continue reading

Java 8 introduced a new date and time API defined inside java.time package. The key date and time classes defined in this package are LocalDateTime, LocalDateTime, and OffsetDateTime. OffsetDateTime represents a date-time with an offset. This class stores all date and time fields, to a precision of nanoseconds, as well as the offset from UTC/Greenwich. […]Continue reading

If you need to quickly create a JPA-based repository layer, Spring Data JPA is the right choice. You define your repository interface by extending one of the Spring Data JPA Repository interfaces.  At runtime, Spring Data JPA will create your repository implementations with the common CRUD methods. You can then perform CRUD operations without writing […]Continue reading

Java 8 introduced a new date and time API defined inside java.time package. The key date and time classes defined in this package are LocalDateTime, ZonedDateTime, and OffsetDateTime. OffsetDateTime represents a date-time with an offset. This class stores all date and time fields, to a precision of nanoseconds, as well as the offset from UTC/Greenwich. For […]Continue reading