Category: Spring REST

Spring Retry provides the ability to automatically re-invoke a failed operation. This is helpful when errors may be transient in nature. For example, a momentary network glitch, network outage, server down, or deadlock. You can configure the spring-retry module using annotations. You can define the retry limits, fallback methods, etc. In this post, you will […]Continue reading

For a One-to-One relationship in JPA, each entity instance is related to a single instance of another entity. It means each row of one entity is referred to one and only one row of another entity. In this post,  you’ll learn how to create a One-to-One relationship between two entities using JPA in a Spring […]Continue reading

Spring Web applications and services need to process client requests sent over HTTP. When the HTTP clients send data with the request, the data is in the request body. On the application side, you need a mechanism to deserialize data sent in the request body to domain objects. This is done using the @RequestBody annotation. […]Continue reading

When developing REST APIs, it is important to have accurate and well-structured documentation of your API. This documentation is the reference point for anyone who wants to use your API. Spring REST Docs helps you to achieve it. Spring REST Docs take a different approach than any other traditional tools like Swagger. For more information on […]Continue reading