Tag: hibernate

For a One-to-One relationship in JPA, each entity instance is related to a single instance of another entity. It means each row of one entity is referred to one and only one row of another entity. In this post,  you’ll learn how to create a One-to-One relationship between two entities using JPA in a Spring […]Continue reading

When you are developing Spring Boot applications with database interactions, you typically use Hibernate as the Object Relationship Mapping (ORM) tool. Instead of directly coupling your code with Hibernate, often you’d rather use Spring Data JPA, a Spring Framework project. Spring Data JPA makes implementation of the data access layer incredibly easy by abstracting most […]Continue reading

Wikipedia defines pagination as “The process of dividing a document into discrete pages, either electronic pages or printed pages”. For a programmer, pagination is the process of dividing a large amount of content to be presented on the UI in chunks. Enterprise Web-based applications, such as search engines, forums, and e-commerce stores use pagination to […]Continue reading

Out of the box, Spring Boot is very easy to use with the H2 Database. If the H2 database is found on your classpath, Spring Boot will automatically set up an in-memory H2 database for your use. But what if you want to use MySQL? Naturally, Spring Boot has support for MySQL and a number […]Continue reading

I was recently asked on my Facebook page, “How do I become a Java Web Developer?” There is  really no simple answer for this question. There are many facets to becoming a Java web developer. I’ve encountered Java developers who were good front end developers, or good backend developers. By ‘front end’, I mean more of […]Continue reading