Tag: junit

In the first part of the series on unit testing with JUnit, we looked at creating unit tests both using Maven and IntelliJ. In this post, we will look at some core unit testing concepts and apply those using JUnit constructs. We will learn about assertions, JUnit 4 annotations, and test suites. JUnit Assertions Assertions, […]Continue reading

Unit testing is the first level of testing software where you write test code that executes a specific functionality in the code to be tested. In most cases, you as a programmer are responsible to deliver unit tested code. The objective is to check if the unit of the software, for example a public method […]Continue reading

One of the things I love about the Grails environment is that it comes with a handy bootstrap.groovy file. This will run at startup of the Spring container. I frequently use this to setup expected data, or to create test data for integration / functional tests. It can be a very convenient way to seed […]Continue reading

Testing software has many meanings, which are often confused. In the last decade or so, we’ve seen agile development methodologies go mainstream in the modern enterprise. These methodologies are often misunderstood and misused. Some times they assume you have clean testable code. Often, when dealing with legacy applications, you simply don’t. I’ve encountered legacy Java […]Continue reading

Spring Integration is a very powerful module in the Spring Framework. It was originally inspired by pivotal book in computer science called Enterprise Integration Patterns written by Gregor Hohpe and Bobby Woolf. While the Gang of Four focused their work on software design patterns, Enterprise Integration Patterns is focused on how disparate systems communicate with […]Continue reading