Tag: spring mvc

What are Structured Outputs? Using Structured Outputs is an important aspect when interacting with LLMs programmatically. LLMs, by their nature, generate unstructured output. The unstructured output does not work well with programming languages which need structure to understand the data. Through prompting techniques, you can direct the LLM to create a structured output. The format […]Continue reading

A hidden feature of Spring AI is the support of String Templates, aka StringTemplates. StringTemplate is a lightweight Java template engine. It is simple, and easy to use. StringTemplate is a stable project, established in 2007 and now on its 4 major release. Here is an example from the homepage of the Stringtemplate website. On […]Continue reading

In this post, I’ll explain how to work with resources in Spring using ResourceLoader. We’ll begin with a brief introduction about resources. Next, we’ll look at the Resource interface and some of its important methods. Finally, we’ll go through its implementations. Introduction: Working With Resources In Spring via ResourceLoader Frequently, we need to read external resources […]Continue reading

@RequestMapping is one of the most common annotation used in Spring Web applications. This annotation maps HTTP requests to handler methods of MVC and REST controllers. In this post, you’ll see how versatile the @RequestMapping annotation is when used to map Spring MVC controller methods. Request Mapping Basics In Spring MVC applications, the RequestDispatcher (Front Controller […]Continue reading

In the 1.3.0 release of Spring Boot and new module is available called Spring Boot Developer Tools. This new Spring Boot module is aimed at improving developer productivity in building Spring Web Applications. When you’re developing a web application in Java, or really any programming language, a common workflow is to code, compile, deploy, and then […]Continue reading