Author: jt

About jt

    Object-oriented hierarchy may seem like a simple concept to grasp, since there are so many examples in life to illustrate it. This is not completely wrong. The basic idea behind object-oriented programming is simple. However, the problem is that there are certain details, finesses and tricky situations, that may not be obvious but demand a […]Continue reading

    Testing software has many meanings, which are often confused. In the last decade or so, we’ve seen agile development methodologies go mainstream in the modern enterprise. These methodologies are often misunderstood and misused. Some times they assume you have clean testable code. Often, when dealing with legacy applications, you simply don’t. I’ve encountered legacy Java […]Continue reading

    People expect computer programs to be accurate and precise when calculating numbers, and especially programs that perform monetary calculations and as a Java developer, sooner or later you will need to deal with monetary calculations. You may be tempted to use the primitive types of float or double for non-integer numbers. Both of these types support numbers with decimals. […]Continue reading

    Spring Integration Gateways are one of my favorite features of Spring Integration. As a developer, you write an interface for the Spring Integration Gateway, and at runtime Spring Integration will provide you an implementation of the class via the Spring Context for your application to use. What is nice about this approach, the complexities of […]Continue reading

    Introduction Spring 3 introduced the Spring Expression Language (SpEL) which has a syntax similar to Unified EL. It can save you a lot of coding, because you can dynamically assign values at runtime. The folks at Spring, made the Spring Expression Language part of what is considered ‘Spring Core’. Thus, the Spring Expression Language is […]Continue reading

    While I love Java, this is still pretty accurate! LOL (Its an animated gif, won’t work on FB and some browsers) Java vs C++

    Spring Integration is a very powerful module in the Spring Framework. It was originally inspired by pivotal book in computer science called Enterprise Integration Patterns written by Gregor Hohpe and Bobby Woolf. While the Gang of Four focused their work on software design patterns, Enterprise Integration Patterns is focused on how disparate systems communicate with […]Continue reading

    Introduction The ability of an object to behave differently in different situations is called Polymorphism. This concept is core to object oriented programmer and key to programming in Java. There are two types of polymorphism prevalent in Java; Static Polymorphism and Dynamic Polymorphism. As a Java developer, you will routinely use each type of polymorphism. Types of Polymorphism […]Continue reading

    Introduction to Java Variables A variable in Java is the name of a memory location. This memory location is used by the Java programs for carrying out the various tasks and calculations. Whenever a Java program is run, some input may be provided to it, or some data might be required to be saved temporarily […]Continue reading