Spring Framework Guru Student Success Stories

Drew Jocham
I am a 10 year Army Infantrymen veteran of Iraq and Afghanistan and found my passion for coding on my own. After completing my Computer Science degree while serving I found out employers didn’t care about my degree but what you knew and what you can do. John helped out eminently in his tutorials and prompt email responses. I am now a Java Software Developer and owe it to John and many other resources for my success!

Jim Hankins
I have found the premium courses on Spring Framework Guru to be very informative. The information gleaned from these courses can be immediately put to use in real world solutions of your own. John provides the right mix of theory and hands on demonstration coupled with the source code for each module along the way. John is very passionate about Java and the Spring Framework and sharing what he’s learned with real world experience with others. I would highly recommend anyone interested in learning about Spring Framework to leverage the courseware from Spring Framework Guru.
VP Technology
GEOS Safety Solutions, Inc.

Amit Mukherjee
I took up the Spring DevOps course on the Spring Framework Guru Site and immensely enjoyed it. The mechanism in which John teaches the course, a first introduction of the concept, followed by execution with live code write-up is extremely enlightening. What is important is the pace is not too fast or too slow but just right. Also, this followed by exercises which I undertook based on the material that was covered which lets you think , understand and appreciate the content covered. I would highly recommend this course and other content on John’s SpringFrameworkGuru website.

Jill Thornton
I am new to Spring and wanted to consider Spring Boot for a new project. I felt lost learning Spring Boot as I did not understand the Spring framework, which prompted me to complete the Spring Core course. I was delighted that this course not only covered how to use Spring, but more importantly, why to use Spring. I was so excited to use these new tools that I went on to complete the Spring Core Advanced course as well.
The class did a thorough job of explaining what elements are provided by Spring Boot vs the Spring framework. I found The Spring Core Advanced especially helpful for understanding all of the JPA associations and how to use them. Both classes include code exercises with access to the starting code of the exercise and also the completed solution in GIT. The completed exercises are a great resource to remember how to use a feature that was highlighted in the class. Most importantly, the course provides access to the teacher and he has responded to both of my questions within an hour. I recommend these courses to anyone that values loose coupling and the SOLID principles.

Rob Arnhart
John’s professional, real-world experience is demonstrated throughout his lectures and assignments. Having taken the Spring Core ohn’s professional, real-world experience is demonstrated throughout his lectures and assignments. Having taken the Spring Core Ultimate bundle of courses, I have a very solid understanding of Spring, and how to quickly launch projects by leveraging the Spring framework’s feature set – I now feel confident in applying for jobs that require Spring skills. This comprehensive set of materials is a requirement for any Java developer looking to quickly become relevant in the current realm of enterprise application development, and John’s shared experiences provided within are value added to the curriculum. Thank you, John, for taking the time to assemble these courses and sharing your knowledge.

Don Smallidge
The Spring Core course taught by John Thompson (Spring Framework Guru) is a “no nonsense” introduction to Spring. Taking you from concepts to code, he shows how to code with Spring the right way (with gradually more sophisticated examples as the course progresses). There are also assignments (with solutions) to help you assess your progress and understanding.
I found the “hands on” aspect of the course the most helpful. It is one thing to hear and understand the concepts and to follow along reading the code. It is quite another thing to do the coding yourself. John shows you how to integrate JUnit, GitHub, Spring MVC Test, Spring Boot and especially the IntelliJ IDEA IDE tools to follow along with the material and become a productive Spring programmer.
When I run into trouble, John responds very quickly to get me back into the saddle. As part of the course, you develop a working Spring MVC app (a mini e-commerce site). As a real bonus, you also JPA and Hibernate to persist to a H2 database.
If you are an enterprise Java programmer, this is the course you should take to jump start your journey to mastery of the Spring Framework using best practices.