Category: Spring Core

Introduction Spring 3 introduced the Spring Expression Language (SpEL) which has a syntax similar to Unified EL. It can save you a lot of coding, because you can dynamically assign values at runtime. The folks at Spring, made the Spring Expression Language part of what is considered ‘Spring Core’. Thus, the Spring Expression Language is […]Continue reading

There are several ways of defining Spring Beans in the Spring Framework. Each method has its own advantages and disadvantages. You may be wondering which one should you use. The answer is, it depends. The reality is in a large enterprise Spring project, you will likely encounter a combination of methods in defining Spring Beans. […]Continue reading

Dependency Injection The Spring Framework is literally built around the concept of Dependency Injection. In this post, we’ll take a look at a simple example of Dependency Injection using the Spring Framework. If you want a deeper dive on Dependency Injection and how it works in conjunction with Inversion of Control in the Spring Framework, sign […]Continue reading

This is a simple hello world example using Spring Framework 4. We will use Spring Boot and Spring Initializer to get things kicked off easily. Video Tutorial Follow this quick video tutorial to get a Spring Boot starter project. Step by Step Instructions Get Starter Project from Spring Initializer Step One Go to the Spring […]Continue reading