Category: Uncategorized

Spring AI is the latest project from the Spring Team. Working with Large Language Models (LLMs) has traditionally been the domain of languages such as Python and Javascript. Spring AI is changing this and is enabling integration with generative AI with Java and Spring. In this post, we will take an initial look at using […]Continue reading

JSON Logging in Spring Boot simplifies setup, especially for applications in distributed environments like Kubernetes. Consolidated logging requires searchable logs, often formatted in JSON. Logstash is a popular choice. A basic Logback configuration supports JSON logging, aiding development with profile flexibility. Testing can be done by generating log messages easily.

On December 16th, 2021, with the announcement from the Spring Team, the next major release is Spring Framework 6. The whole objective is to cover Spring’s baseline upgrade efforts, in particular requiring JDK 17+ and migrating to the Jakarta EE 9 APIs, So we should be Getting Ready for upgrading to Spring Framework 6. Important […]Continue reading

If you need to quickly create a JPA-based repository layer, Spring Data JPA is the right choice. You define your repository interface by extending one of the Spring Data JPA Repository interfaces.  At runtime, Spring Data JPA will create your repository implementations with the common CRUD methods. You can then perform CRUD operations without writing […]Continue reading

Java 8 introduced a new date and time API defined inside java.time package. The key date and time classes defined in this package are LocalDateTime, ZonedDateTime, and OffsetDateTime. OffsetDateTime represents a date-time with an offset. This class stores all date and time fields, to a precision of nanoseconds, as well as the offset from UTC/Greenwich. For […]Continue reading

Modern Enterprise application development using the Spring framework makes use of containerization technology, such as Docker to ship and run applications. Building an application, packaging it, then building the image, and pushing images to an image registry is cumbersome if done manually. In addition, each time you make any changes to the codebase, you need […]Continue reading

The Spring IoC (Inversion of Control) container manages Spring beans. A “Spring bean” is just a Spring managed instantiation of a Java class. The Spring IoC container is responsible for instantiating, initializing, and wiring beans. The container also manages the life cycle of beans. Spring provides several ways through which you can tap into the […]Continue reading