Month: May 2020

In the previous post of the Spring Boot on Docker series, I discussed how to create and run a Docker image of a Spring Boot application. Once you create your image, you would want to share it with your team members or other stakeholders. For that, you can use Docker Hub  – a centralized repository […]Continue reading

One of the operational challenges in the software industry is related to the shipping of software. How to ship software to various environments, such as test, staging, and production while ensuring the software behaves as expected? The advent of Virtual Machines (VMs) solved this to a large extent. However, VMs are heavy as they come […]Continue reading

In this short tutorial, we’ll learn the basics of using the SQL SELECT command. To follow along, you will need to have MySQL installed on your system, and you will need to install this simple database. Select All Columns From a Table We use the “*” to select all the columns in a table. Here […]Continue reading

jEnv is a command line to that for Linux and OS X that makes setting the JAVA_HOME environment variable simple. Windows users can use jEnv from a Linux subsystem. Installation To install jEnv on Linux or OS X will first clone the git repository to our home directory using this command: $ git clone […]Continue reading

Introduction Records are a new feature in Java 14. We can use them to avoid a lot of boilerplate code in standard DTO classes, save our time, and limit space for errors. In this tutorial, we will show what records are and how we can use them in our code to make it more readable […]Continue reading

The Need for Spring Boot Docker Layers If you follow my work, you know I’m a big fan of using Docker. As a software engineer at Velo Payments, I use Docker on a daily basis. Our architecture is primarily Spring Boot Microservices, deployed in Docker containers. This architecture gives us a tremendous amount of flexibility […]Continue reading