Author: jt

About jt

    The Java Programming language provided support for Annotations from Java 5.0. Leading Java frameworks were quick to adopt annotations and the Spring Framework started using annotations from the release 2.5. Due to the way they are defined, annotations provide a lot of context in their declaration. Prior to annotations, the behavior of the Spring Framework […]Continue reading

    @RequestMapping is one of the most common annotation used in Spring Web applications. This annotation maps HTTP requests to handler methods of MVC and REST controllers. In this post, you’ll see how versatile the @RequestMapping annotation is when used to map Spring MVC controller methods. Request Mapping Basics In Spring MVC applications, the RequestDispatcher (Front Controller […]Continue reading

    Spring Data MongoDB has been updated to leverage the reactive programming model introduced in Spring Framework 5. This was followed by support for reactive data access for NoSQL databases, such as MongoDB, Cassandra, and Redis. With the rise in popularity of NoSQL databases, MongoDB has rapidly gained popularity in the enterprise and the Spring community. […]Continue reading

    Recently we’ve seen a rise in popularity of NoSQL databases. MongoDB has rapidly gained popularity in the enterprise and the Spring community. While developing and testing Spring Boot applications with MongoDB as the data store, it is common to use the lightweight Embedded MongoDB rather than running a full-fledged server. As the embedded MongoDB runs […]Continue reading

    An exciting feature in Spring Framework 5 is the new Web Reactive framework for allows reactive web applications. Reactive programming is about developing systems that are fully reactive and non-blocking. Such systems are suitable for event-loop style processing that can scale with a small number of threads. Spring Framework 5 embraces Reactive Streams to enable […]Continue reading

    If you’re following the Java community, you may be hearing about Reactive Streams in Java. Seems like in all the major tech conferences, you’re seeing presentations on Reactive Programming. Last year the buzz was all about Functional programming, this year the buzz is about Reactive Programming. In 2016 the buzz was all about Functional programming. […]Continue reading

    Spring Framework 5.0 is the first major release of the Spring Framework since version 4 was released in December of 2013. Juergen Hoeller, Spring Framework project lead announced the release of the first Spring Framework 5.0 milestone (5.0 M1) on 28 July 2016. Now, a year later, we are looking forward to Release Candidate 3 […]Continue reading

    I have met many developers who refer to tests as “Unit Tests” when they are actually integration tests. In service layers, I’ve seen tests referred to as unit tests, but written with dependencies on the actual service, such as a database, web service, or some message server. Those are part of integration testing. Even if […]Continue reading

    Transcript Okay, I’d like do a quick code review of my Spring Boot Mongo DB example application. This is up on github. And you can find it under my repository springframeworkguru/spring-boot-mongodb. (pretty creative name there) This is an example Spring Bood Application connect to Mongo DB. Not necessarily running in Docker. I connect can connect […]Continue reading