Category: Spring

Introduction Situation Most of our applications are supported by external services such as a database server, an SMS gateway, or services such as PayPal. Such services can exist in more than one environment i.e development and production environments. If we want to connect to the production environment we must pass through the development environment first. […]Continue reading

If you need to quickly create a JPA-based repository layer, Spring Data JPA is the right choice. You define your repository interface by extending one of the Spring Data JPA Repository interfaces.  At runtime, Spring Data JPA will create your repository implementations with the common CRUD methods. You can then perform CRUD operations without writing […]Continue reading

Introduction In this article, we explained how to configure more than one data source in a Spring Boot Application. The source repository for the article uses CircleCI for CI builds. To build the source code, we needed to add a MySQL database for the JUnit integration tests. In this article, we will explain how to […]Continue reading

Modern Enterprise application development using the Spring framework makes use of containerization technology, such as Docker to ship and run applications. Building an application, packaging it, then building the image, and pushing images to an image registry is cumbersome if done manually. In addition, each time you make any changes to the codebase, you need […]Continue reading

In this post, we are going to talk about OpenFeign which is a declarative REST client that we can use in our Spring Boot applications. Feign helps us a lot when writing web service clients, allowing us to use several helpful annotations to create integrations. Originally Netflix developed Feign, but as they stopped supporting the […]Continue reading

One of the operational challenges in the software industry is related to the shipping of software. How to ship software to various environments, such as test, staging, and production while ensuring the software behaves as expected? The advent of Virtual Machines (VMs) solved this to a large extent. However, VMs are heavy as they come […]Continue reading