Tag: Spring Boot

Spring Data MongoDB has been updated to leverage the reactive programming model introduced in Spring Framework 5. This was followed by support for reactive data access for NoSQL databases, such as MongoDB, Cassandra, and Redis. With the rise in popularity of NoSQL databases, MongoDB has rapidly gained popularity in the enterprise and the Spring community. […]Continue reading

Recently we’ve seen a rise in popularity of NoSQL databases. MongoDB has rapidly gained popularity in the enterprise and the Spring community. While developing and testing Spring Boot applications with MongoDB as the data store, it is common to use the lightweight Embedded MongoDB rather than running a full-fledged server. As the embedded MongoDB runs […]Continue reading

Out of the box, Spring Boot is very easy to use with the H2 Database. Spring programmers typically prefer writing code against such lightweight in-memory database, rather than on an enterprise database server such as Microsoft SQL Server or Oracle. In-memory databases come with several restrictions making them useful only in the development stages in […]Continue reading

When developing enterprise applications, Spring programmers typically prefer writing data-centric code against a lightweight in-memory database, such as H2 rather than running an enterprise database server such as Oracle, or MySQL. Out of the box, Spring Boot is very easy to use with the H2 Database. In-memory databases are useful in the early development stages […]Continue reading

Spring Data project provides integration for most of the popular databases around. I have already written few posts to configure Spring Boot to use Oracle, MySQL, and PostgreSQL – all RDBMS widely used in the enterprise. Recently, we’ve seen a rise in popularity of NoSQL databases. MongoDB has rapidly gained popularity in the enterprise and the […]Continue reading

In case you’ve been living under a rock for the last couple years, Spring Boot Actuator is an awesome set of tools for monitoring and managing your Spring Boot applications. Spring Boot Actuator exposes information via ‘endpoints’. One of the Spring Boot Actuator endpoints is an information endpoint, which is available at the ‘/info’ url from […]Continue reading