
The Spring framework has a library called Spring State Machine which is a model of computation that depends on the finite states. It can only be in one state at a given time, hence it is also called a finite state machine. The transitions of this State Machine are the changes in the status of […]Continue reading

Java 8 introduces a new date and time API defined inside the java.time package. The key date and time classes defined in this package are LocalDateTime, ZonedDateTime, and OffsetDateTime. OffsetDateTime is an immutable representation of a date-time with an offset from UTC. It stores all date and time fields, to a precision of nanoseconds. For example, you can […]Continue reading

Enterprise Applications developed using the Spring Framework use different types of configuration properties to configure the application at runtime. These configuration properties help in connecting to databases, messaging systems, perform logging, caching, and lots more. It is common to store configuration properties in external .properties and .yml files. There are various ways of reading external […]Continue reading

List is one of the most commonly used collections in Java. Some List implementations are LinkedList, ArrayList, and Stack. In this post, I will take you through some of the common operations performed on List. Overview In Java, List is an interface that provides the facility to maintain an ordered collection. It provides different methods that […]Continue reading