
One of the operational challenges in the software industry is related to the shipping of software. How to ship software to various environments, such as test, staging, and production while ensuring the software behaves as expected? The advent of Virtual Machines (VMs) solved this to a large extent. However, VMs are heavy as they come […]Continue reading

Series Introduction In this short series, we will look at how we can integrate the Spring Boot application with HashiCorp Consul. Consul is a service that allows us to connect and secure services across platforms and clouds. It has many usages, such as service discovery, service mesh, or key-value store. Introduction In the first part […]Continue reading

Series introduction In this short series, we will look at how we can integrate the Spring Boot application with HashiCorp Consul. Consul is a service that allows us to connect and secure services across platforms and clouds. It has many usages, such as service discovery, service mesh, or key-value store. Introduction In the first part […]Continue reading