Author: jt

About jt

    It’s not uncommon for computers to need to communicate with each other. In the early days, this was done with simple string messages. Which was problematic. There was no standard language. XML evolved to address this and provides a very structured way of sharing data between systems. XML is so structured, but many find it […]Continue reading

    Recently while working with Jackson within a Spring Boot project, I encountered an issue I’d like to share with you. Jackson is currently the leading option for parsing JSON in Java. The Jackson library is composed of three components: Jackson Databind, Core, and Annotation. Jackson Databind has internal dependencies on Jackson Core and Annotation. Therefore, adding […]Continue reading

    When it comes to logging in enterprise applications, logback makes an excellent choice – it’s simple and fast, has powerful configuration options, and comes with a small memory footprint. I have introduced logback in my introductory post, Logback Introduction: An Enterprise Logging Framework. YAML is just one option you can use for Spring Boot configuration. […]Continue reading

    Logback makes an excellent logging framework for enterprise applications. It’s fast, have simple but powerful configuration options, and comes with a small memory footprint. I introduced logback in my introductory post, Logback Introduction: An Enterprise Logging Framework. In a series of posts on Logback, I’ve also discussed how to configure Logback using XML and Groovy. […]Continue reading

    Logback is designed to be faster and have a smaller memory footprint than the other logging frameworks around. If you are new to Logback, you should checkout my introductory post on Logback: Logback Introduction: An Enterprise Logging Framework. Logback supports configuration through XML and Groovy. I explained XML configuration in my previous post, Logback Configuration: using […]Continue reading

    The whole purpose of logging gets defeated when the underlying logging framework becomes a bottleneck. Logging frameworks need to be fast, have a small memory footprint, and easily configurable. Logback is a logging framework with those qualities. If you are new to Logback, I suggest going through my introductory post on Logback: Logback Introduction: An Enterprise […]Continue reading

    I’m happy to announce I’ll be speaking at Devoxx Poland this June. I’ve proposed a talk on getting hip with JHipster. I’ve been using JHipster on a client project, and really like it. The team behind JHipster has done a really nice job of bringing together complex but leading and best of breed technologies. On […]Continue reading

    The majority of the time when you’re working with Maps in Java, you’ll be accessing the map values via the key. There are times you need to walk the map like a list. There’s a number of ways to do this in Java, which have grown over time as the language has evolved. Let’s take […]Continue reading

    Monitoring, diagnosing, and troubleshooting are key activities in any enterprise application lifecycle, and logging is the core part of these activities. Through logging you get to see what the application code is actually doing during these activities at runtime. Using System.out to print messages to the console is simply not sufficient for enterprise applications. Enterprise applications […]Continue reading

    Similar to accompanying application development activities, such as unit testing and documentation, logging is an integral part of any enterprise application. And Spring Boot applications are no different. Through logging, you get to see what the Spring Boot application code is really doing during monitoring, troubleshooting, and debugging. Spring Boot makes using a logging framework […]Continue reading