Speaking at Devoxx Poland
1 CommentI’m happy to announce I’ll be speaking at Devoxx Poland this June.
I’ve proposed a talk on getting hip with JHipster. I’ve been using JHipster on a client project, and really like it. The team behind JHipster has done a really nice job of bringing together complex but leading and best of breed technologies. On the front end of JHipster is Angular JS, on the backend is Spring Boot. Wrapping it all up is Yoman, Bower, and Grunt. Definitely more to come on JHipster on this site.
In the meantime, I’m excited about going to Poland. It’s a country I’ve never visited. I’m looking forward to the Devoxx conference and seeing all Krakow has to offer. Leave a comment below of any must do’s in the city! And if you make the conference, be sure to say hi!
Cracow is a place full of live and you should definitely take a trip across the whole old city and the old jews part of Cracow – Kazimierz