Using RestTemplate with Apaches HttpClient

Using RestTemplate with Apaches HttpClient


1. Introduction

In another blog post, we already looked at how we use the class RestTemplate to consume REST web services. In today’s blog post we will take a look at how we can use Apache HttpComponents as the HTTP client API for the RestTemplate.

RestTemplate and Apaches HTTP client API work at different levels of abstraction. RestTemplate is superior to the HTTP client and takes care of the transformation from JSON or XML to Java objects. The HTTP client, on the other hand, takes care of all low-level details of communication via HTTP.

In addition to Apache HttpComponents, other HTTP clients such as OkHttp or Netty can also be used in the RestTemplate substructure. The Spring Framework offers us the possibility to switch from the standard HTTP client (HttpURLConnection) to another HTTP client.

2. Downsides of the HttpURLConnection

Some probably wonder why you should swap the underlying HTTP client API. Especially for productive applications there are good reasons to exchange the HttpURLConnection as underlying HTTP client API because it has some disadvantages, which also affect the use of RestTemplate:

  • With errors such as 400 Bad Request or 404 Not Found an exception is thrown directly. This often forces us to work with try/catch to handle the exceptions accordingly.
  • Regarding credentials or connection pooling, other HTTP client APIs offer more configuration options and a wider range of functions.
  • The HTTP method PATCH is not supported.

Especially for applications in production, it is advisable to replace the standard HttpURLConnection with a proven HTTP client API like Apache when using RestTemplate.

3. Used Dependencies

To use RestTemplate and Apache HttpComponents as underlying HTTP client API, the following two dependencies are required:


4. Configuration of Apache HttpComponents

As mentioned earlier, using an HTTP client API such as Apache HttpComponents allows us to add a number of additional configurations. The basic structure of our configuration class is as follows:

public class ApacheHttpClientConfig {

  private final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(ApacheHttpClientConfig.class);


In this class, we will now create beans to configure the HTTP client. The whole source code can be found in our GitHub Repository.

4.1 Connection Pool

A connection pool ensures that already opened connections are reused. This means that connections don’t have to be re-established every time, saving us a lot of overhead and time. Especially the handshake procedure when establishing a connection consumes the most time in relation to the other.

The number of pooled connections can be defined in total, per route and for all routes of a certain host:

public PoolingHttpClientConnectionManager poolingConnectionManager() {
  PoolingHttpClientConnectionManager poolingConnectionManager = new PoolingHttpClientConnectionManager();

  // set a total amount of connections across all HTTP routes

  // set a maximum amount of connections for each HTTP route in pool

  // increase the amounts of connections if the host is localhost
  HttpHost localhost = new HttpHost("http://localhost", 8080);
  poolingConnectionManager.setMaxPerRoute(new HttpRoute(localhost), MAX_LOCALHOST_CONNECTIONS);

  return poolingConnectionManager;

We will use this bean later when we build our HTTP client bean from our configuration beans.

4.2 Connection Keep-Alive Strategy

A connection Keep-Alive strategy determines how long a connection may remain unused in the pool until it is closed. This ensures that connections that are no longer needed are closed again promptly.

We also define a bean for this purpose:

public ConnectionKeepAliveStrategy connectionKeepAliveStrategy() {
  return (httpResponse, httpContext) -> {
    HeaderIterator headerIterator = httpResponse.headerIterator(HTTP.CONN_KEEP_ALIVE);
    HeaderElementIterator elementIterator = new BasicHeaderElementIterator(headerIterator);
    while (elementIterator.hasNext()) {
      HeaderElement element = elementIterator.nextElement();
      String param = element.getName();
      String value = element.getValue();
      if (value != null && param.equalsIgnoreCase("timeout")) {
        return Long.parseLong(value) * 1000; // convert to ms

The bean implements the following behavior: If the server does not send a Keep-Alive header in the response, the connections are kept alive for 20 seconds by default.

This implementation is a workaround to bypass the Apache Keep-Alive strategy. Apaches strategy assumes that connections should remain alive indefinitely if the server does not send a Keep-Alive header. This standard behavior is now explicitly circumvented by our implementation.

4.3 IDLE Connection Monitor

Furthermore, we want to configure a connection monitor that runs every 20 seconds and closes outdated connections as well as long waiting connections:

public Runnable idleConnectionMonitor(PoolingHttpClientConnectionManager pool) {
  return new Runnable() {
    @Scheduled(fixedDelay = 20000)
    public void run() {
      // only if connection pool is initialised
      if (pool != null) {
        pool.closeIdleConnections(IDLE_CONNECTION_WAIT_TIME, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);

Since we work with the annotation @Scheduled here, our class must be annotated with @EnableScheduling. This activates Spring support for automatic task execution. Without @EnableScheduling our task cannot be executed at runtime.

We also need our own thread pool to schedule and execute tasks automatically. For this, we use Springs ThreadPoolTaskScheduler, which internally uses a ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor. We configure this with the following bean:

public TaskScheduler taskScheduler() {
  ThreadPoolTaskScheduler scheduler = new ThreadPoolTaskScheduler();
  return scheduler;

4.4 HttpClient Bean

Before we build our HTTP client, we define the following timeouts via RequestConfig class:

  • Connect Timeout: Maximum time that is waited for a connection to be established.
  • Connection Request Timeout: Maximum time that is waited until a connection from the connection pool is available.
  • Socket Timeout: Maximum time that is waited until data is received when a connection is established.

Then we can use the connection pool and the keep-alive strategy bean to build our HTT client bean:

public CloseableHttpClient httpClient() {
  RequestConfig requestConfig = RequestConfig.custom()

  return HttpClients.custom()

Now we have finished configuring our HTTP client. In the next step, we will connect the HTTP client with the RestTemplate so that it uses our HTTP client for all HTTP calls.

5. Configuration of RestTemplate

The Wiring of the HTTP client with the RestTemplate is done in a new config class. The basic structure of the RestTemplateConfig class is as follows:

public class RestTemplateConfig {

  final CloseableHttpClient httpClient;

  public RestTemplateConfig(CloseableHttpClient httpClient) {
    this.httpClient = httpClient;


Via the constructor, we injected our just configured HTTP client so that we can wire it here with the RestTemplate.

5.1 HTTP Request Factory

First, we define a bean of type HttpComponentsClientHttpRequestFactory. This factory internally uses Apache HttpComponents to generate HTTP requests. We link this bean to the Apache HTTP client that we injected before through our constructor:

public HttpComponentsClientHttpRequestFactory clientHttpRequestFactory() {
  HttpComponentsClientHttpRequestFactory clientHttpRequestFactory = new HttpComponentsClientHttpRequestFactory();

  return clientHttpRequestFactory;

5.2 Custom Error Handler

Without an own error handler, a default error handler would be used, which punishes us with an exception for an ordinary client error like 404 Not Found or 400 Bad Request. This, in turn, forces us to wrap every HTTP request into a try/catch block, which quickly inflates the code and makes it unclear, since we have to handle the error in the middle of the business logic. Much more elegant at this point is the use of an own error handler, which can be implemented as follows:

public class CustomClientErrorHandler implements ResponseErrorHandler {

  private final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(CustomClientErrorHandler.class);

  public boolean hasError(ClientHttpResponse clientHttpResponse) throws IOException {
    return clientHttpResponse.getStatusCode().is4xxClientError();

  public void handleError(ClientHttpResponse clientHttpResponse) throws IOException {
    LOG.error("HTTP Status Code: " + clientHttpResponse.getStatusCode().value());

The error handler is very simple and makes sure that all 4xx errors are logged and no exceptions are thrown anymore.

5.3 HTTP Request Interceptor

An HTTP request interceptor intercepts each HTTP request and allows the execution of additional code. This makes an interceptor excellent for logging every HTTP request that is sent. This can be very helpful for debugging.

For the implementation of an Interceptor, only the interface ClientHttpRequestInterceptor has to be implemented. The interface declares the method intercept(HttpRequest request, byte[] body, ClientHttpRequestExecution execution). This gives us complete access to the HTTP request including the body:

public class CustomClientHttpRequestInterceptor implements ClientHttpRequestInterceptor {

  private Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(CustomClientHttpRequestInterceptor.class);

  public ClientHttpResponse intercept(HttpRequest request, byte[] body, ClientHttpRequestExecution execution) throws IOException {

    // log the http request"URI: {}", request.getURI());"HTTP Method: {}", request.getMethodValue());"HTTP Headers: {}", request.getHeaders());

    return execution.execute(request, bytes);

All HTTP requests are then logged to the console:

5.4 Create RestTemplate Bean

Finally, we configure our RestTemplate Bean:

public RestTemplate restTemplate() {
  return new RestTemplateBuilder()
          .errorHandler(new CustomClientErrorHandler())
          .interceptors(new CustomClientHttpRequestInterceptor())

To configure RestTemplate we can use the handy RestTemplateBuilder. With the builder, we wire the clientHttpRequestFactory bean as well as our own error handler and our interceptor. That’s it – that’s all we have to do to work with our specially configured RestTemplate.

6. Summary

In this blog post, we have looked at how we can easily replace the HTTP client API used by Springs RestTemplate with another one. We looked at the following configuration options:

  • Configuration of a connection pool, which makes it possible to reuse existing connections.
  • Configuration of your own keep-alive strategy.
  • Creating an Idle Connection Monitor to remove connections that are no longer needed.
  • Create and use your own error handler.
  • Logging of all HTTP requests with our own interceptor.
  • Wiring of Apaches HTTP client API with Springs RestTemplate.

Also, like to check out the project repository at GitHub. There you’ll also find a working example that uses our self-configured RestTemplate.

About Daniel Wagner

My name is Daniel and I'm a passionate Java developer. Most of my free time is devoted to training in new and exciting topics that the Java ecosystem has to offer.

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5 comments on “Using RestTemplate with Apaches HttpClient

  1. May 15, 2020 at 6:26 pm

    Excellent article Daniel !

  2. July 1, 2020 at 1:15 am

    Is there anyway to pass the request a value for a specific header?

  3. August 20, 2020 at 3:04 pm

    What version of java do you use? I am getting compile errors for httpCLient in
    public RestTemplateConfig(CloseableHttpClient httpClient) {
    this.httpClient = httpClient;

    and clientHttpRequestFactory in
    public RestTemplate restTemplate() {
    return new RestTemplateBuilder()
    .errorHandler(new XapiErrorHandler())

  4. September 7, 2020 at 10:11 am

    Could ignore RestTemplateConfig? It seems not used it?
    And it seems if want to replace the default implementation, you should consider many details, maybe more error prone

  5. September 17, 2022 at 5:12 am

    HI Daniel
    I am a subscriber to your course on Spring boot and really liking it. I have a question on this article. Why do we need idleConnectionMonitor to close idle connections from pool, if we have already defined ConnectionKeepLive strategy. Will not the strategy closes the connection itself after 20 s in case if no response header or X number of secs in case of response? Waiting for your response. Thank You


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